Military Families United | 2020 Global War on Terrorism Memorial Rededication
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2020 Global War on Terrorism Memorial Rededication

2020 Global War on Terrorism Memorial Rededication

Hundreds of Gold Star families have attended dedication and rededication ceremonies for the Global War on Terrorism Memorial at the National Infantry Museum in Columbus, Georgia. We hope you, too, can be a part of this significant event by attending the 2020 rededication ceremony Saturday, September 12, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. As a Gold Star family, you are also invited to a dinner in your honor the evening of Friday, September 11, 2020 and brunch following the ceremony. If you’re interested in joining us, or receiving a formal invitation, please contact Rachel at

The Global War on Terrorism Memorial recognizes the sacrifice of nearly 7,000 Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines who have given their lives in this generation’s conflict. The Memorial includes granite panels engraved with the names of all service members who have given their lives in the conflict, narrative panels explaining the conflict, and murals with operational pictures etched in a granite panel of each service. Each year the Foundation has the somber duty of adding names of recently fallen service members to the granite panels and hosting a rededication ceremony to honor those service members and their families.